11 April 2011


After watching the final scenes of Alban Berg's Wozzeck (an expressionist opera; soldier driven insane, murders his wife, gets found out by the people at a bar, doesn't immediately recognise what he's done, runs to clean up after himself, drowns himself in the lake when he tries to wash off the blood) in class, we were asked to write a poem...this is what I came up with...

Blood Lake

A red sky on the lake-shore
Surrounded by a persistent tension
So dark and quiet, a man going mad
His eyes looking off into the distance
His eyes no longer looking at anything
Sense drowning in his insanity
A red knife, a bloody moon, caught red-handed
The lake takes the man as the insanity took his mind
Nature tells the story as the curtain falls
And yet the tension prevails
The curtain falls again
A child left alone in the world

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