2 April 2011

World Application of Music History...

the random things I learn in orchestra with George Skipworth and in History of Western Music have become useful beyond my studies...kinda sorta, this is a FB conversation...but I won the prise!
Sister's Friend 1: did not believe Engelbert Humperdinck was a real person when she first heard about it on "Arthur"... until now .____.
Sister's Friend 2: Humperdinck? Like Humperdinck from Princess Bride?
SF 1: Uh, maybe? he's apparently a singer of some sort
SF2: You have seen that...right? Oh, then blah to him
Humperdinck: Hänsel und GretelSF1: yeah
SF2: OK, good, because if you hadn't...
Chrissy Misso: awesome composer!
he was one of the few students of wagner's
most famous for his opera Hansel und Gretel
Julie Geweke Workman (high school orchestra teacher): Chrissy wins the prize!

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i am always interested in what you have to say! thanks for leaving your thoughts!

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