10 September 2010

Play On ~ CD Review

Play On ~ Carrie Underwood ~ 2009 ~ Arista

Carrie Underwood's third album starts with a bang!  The catchy crossover song about a bad boy pulls you into the album.  Although the fun bashing continues later in the album (guys may not appreciate it), the next couple songs vary greatly in character.  The organisation of the album in that respect is superb - everything is mixed up, no song follows another of the same character - something that has also been a given in the previous two.  Carrie manages to fit love ballads, punchy songs about revenge, heartbreak songs, fun and in love, and inspiring songs all on one album - with only thirteen tracks, and all of them are enjoyable.  (Isn't there usually at least one song on every album that you don't like?  I don't have that with Play On).
One new aspect of this album is Carrie's greater personal involvement - she has been helping write her songs.  And you can hear it.  "Mama's Song" and "Look At Me" especially reflect her life recently.  (She got married recently you know!)
Another new addition to Carrie's collection is the crossover duet with the Sons of Sylvia (also a great band to have a listen to).  "What Can I Say?", a song of mutual heartbreak, the character of the song is one not represented by the others on the album, maybe only because it is a duet and Carrie is still the main feature of the track.
The album closes with the title track - an incredible, inspiring piece with its own bang - one of those "never give up" songs, but one of the best I've heard.  The lyrics in some way address any problem you could be having, some more metaphorically than others.  Five stars!

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