15 June 2012

Making a Kindle Cover

Father's Day Gift! (don't let him see!!!)  My mom got a Kindle for my step-dad for Christmas, and he has yet to protect it...so I got to it and made a cover!

I was looking for a book-type design, but nothing I found completely suited my fancy.  I got my final ideas from Dixie Mango (here and here) and did a lil combo.

Things I changed from the tutorials: snap instead of velcro, I put 1" elastic in the triangle corners (which I stretched when sewing in to give a lil extra holding grip).
Things I used: interfacing (soft for cushioning and sturdy for support), the Kindle holder but I enlarged the corner fabric, I also gave the cover an outline of book-binding.

Things to keep in mind: put the soft interfacing closest to the device and the sturdy stuff on the outside, make sure to measure your device (this kindle is approx. 4.75" x 6.75" x .35") and keep it handy as you work to double check all the fittings, and you can change the design to hold an number of technological devices!

You can sometimes find my creations (and sometimes my sister's art) for sale as well as request items here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/stuffbychrissy

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