23 November 2010

Writing a Rant

Okay, I know I've been slacking off a little bit lately...so here is the rant I wrote the other week for class.  Enjoy!!! :)

I am here to tell you about one of my biggest pet peeves.  People who go on and on and on and on, saying the same thing over and over and over.  I have a hard time forcing myself to listen or read the entirety of their nonsense.  I have a hard time not slapping them and telling them to shut up.  (And having to turn into one of those people when people who can not seem to listen to anything you say the first seven times—what gives?  I know you speak English, why do I need to say it over and over again?!?  You look at me like I’m speaking a dead language.)

Do these people even have a point?  If they do, it gets lost in all of the mumble-jumble—the cacophony of words spewing out of a person’s mouth, sometimes at an inhumanly fast pace.  Occasionally, these people start with good points, and I am totally interested in whatever they are saying.  And then they start babbling.  If you are going to start talking about something interesting, why not keep it interesting?  Why not give new examples to support your arguments?  Why bore me to death?

Of course, some of these people are completely self-absorbed and boring, and I just want to shoot myself rather than listen to their same old problems again.  But because I like to believe I’m a halfway decent person, I feel that I have to listen.  Do you know how many people have backed themselves into the same corners again and again?  Didn’t they learn from the first insane number of times they did?  Why do they keep setting themselves up?  I’ve only told them how to help themselves how many times?  I feel like I’m babbling at that point-and then I feel like a hypocrite.  Do you ever feel like that?

And then there are those people who know they are always right—even when they’re wrong.  There is no way to talk sense into these people!  You don’t agree, so obviously you are wrong.  They do not even have examples to back up whatever the heck they are trying to say!  They are trying to convince everyone that what they are saying should be truth and that everyone should believe them.  No one else gets two cents in—as soon as someone else starts talking they are interrupted and told they are wrong.  These people need to go to a debate class to learn how to argue and learn how to have civil conversations.

Blogs!  Some blogs are so annoying.  Or pages where people can post comments!  Every post is slashing someone, complaining about things people should fix themselves, waiting for some wisecrack to come along and tell them how to fix it.  Maybe if they didn’t spend all of their whining on the Internet they could fix it themselves.  Or at least find a hobby that’s less annoying to the rest of the population.

All of these babblers sound silly and unintelligent.  One day you’re having an intellectual conversation with someone, and the next you are wondering if you’ve found the same person.  (Emotional breakdowns are excluded because everyone is going to snap at some point.)  I guess it is possible that they were abducted by aliens, right?
Do you understand what I talking about here?  Some people just go on and on and on and on, saying the same thing over and over and over…

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i am always interested in what you have to say! thanks for leaving your thoughts!

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