6 November 2010

Friends of Rain

My work study job is working with a faculty music ensemble called Friends of Rain.  The purpose of the ensemble is to play new classical music - definitely composed after 1900, and mostly after 1950.  Last night was the fall concert, "The Web of Life."

The concert included pieces by Michael Johanson, Renee Favand, Peter Schickele, Duncan Neilson (an L&C alum), and several by Lou Harrison (featured composer) performed by the Venerable Showers of Beauty, Mitch Iimori, William Stalnaker, Miriam English Ward, Carol Biel, Anna Haageson, Elizabeth Harcombe, John Mery, Brett EE Paschal, Greg Ewer, Dorien de Leon, George Skipworth, Deborah Cleaver, Dunja Jennings, Nancy Teskey, Jennifer Ironside, and the Lewis & Clark Dancers.

My partner in crime, Catalina von Wrangell, and I put  a LOT of work into this concert--just like every semester.  By the night of the concert, we are exhausted.  We've put together programs, rehearsals, put up posters, managed websites, send out emails, put together a reception, and we're working on last minute emergencies and what not.  We've put in a 20-25 hours just the week of the performance in addition to classes and homework.
But this time, we got to actually SIT and LISTEN to almost the ENTIRE performance! (Aside from the first piece of the second half because we were setting up the reception.)  It was awesome!  I got to watch the concert (that I had been going insane over for the last 2+ weeks) unfold.

Working with Friends of Rain has been very helpful for me in understanding how groups put on shows and all of the work that is involved.  (It will also look pretty good on a resume!  Remember the section of my autobiography?)

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