21 September 2010

At the Football Game

Sadly, much of the student population at my college lacks what we like to refer to as "school spirit".  they don't attend games, and when they do, it is like pulling teeth to get the cheers and support going that the team needs.  (And I've tried starting cheers...it works sometimes...)  There seems to be a bit of bribery, frequently, going on to encourage attendance.
We don't even have our own band - a high school band is brought in.

How does the music help cheer on the team?  Why do does the college worry about bringing in a band?
The music gives people reason to move - it is a motivation of sorts for the players.  It encourages the crowd to make noise, cheer on their team.  And when one of those classic game songs comes on,, or one of those old familiar tunes, everyone puts in the game "hey!" or sings along.

There is a group trying to start L&C's own pep band - my question is, will enough people feel like going to every home game and do they have enough school spirit to keep it up?  This time devotion doesn't even include the time that will need to be dedicated to rehearsals and practicing.
I think a pep band of L&C students would be great - students supporting students - but is it too much to ask of the current student musical population?

I want answers:
What is the importance of music at a game?

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Regardless of the outside band and the bribed student attendees, the L&C Pioneers had an extraordinary home opener with a 63-38 win over Ponoma-Pitzer on Sept 18.  GO PIOS!

check out the article here!!!

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